
Twitter app download mac
Twitter app download mac

twitter app download mac

You can also update your notification settings to see interactions in real time. Now you can see when your Tweets have been retweeted or favorited, when you have a new follower, and when you've been added to a list in your timeline. Support for 6 new languages: Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Thai and Filipino Real names and appear together in all parts of the app Fixed character counting bug in the Tweet composer Fix for unfavoriting Tweets Fix for Growl notifications Other nifty fixes and improvements Changes When you read a message on another official Twitter app, it will be marked as read on your Mac. When you read a Direct message on Twitter for Mac it will be marked as read in all of your official Twitter apps, including Twitter for iPhone, Twitter for iPad, Twitter for Android,, and TweetDeck.

twitter app download mac

Twitter for Mac is a wonderfully slick twitter client and if you liked Tweetie, you'll love it Notifications are also limited - a blue box in your Menu Bar is all you get to tell you that a new tweet has been made if the main interface is hidden. Of course, once you know where this is, its not a problem but it does seem strange that the developers have chosen to "hide" it like this. One thing that is a bit odd in Twitter for Mac is that the option to write a new tweet is hidden away in the bottom left hand corner of the interface. Twitter features the same slick interface with tweets appearing down the right hand side and six buttons down the left to navigate and use it including new tweets, personal messages or trending topics. Twitter for Mac looks and feels very much like its original incarnation as Tweetie which is no surprise, but is a bit more polished and integrated with Twitter as you might expect.

Twitter app download mac